Library ConstpropOp

Static analysis and strength reduction for operators and conditions. This is the machine-dependent part of Constprop.

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Op.
Require Import Registers.

Static analysis

To each pseudo-register at each program point, the static analysis associates a compile-time approximation taken from the following set.

Inductive approx : Type :=
  | Novalue: approx
No value possible, code is unreachable.
  | Unknown: approx
All values are possible, no compile-time information is available.
  | I: int -> approx
A known integer value.
  | F: float -> approx
A known floating-point value.
  | S: ident -> int -> approx.
The value is the address of the given global symbol plus the given integer offset.

We now define the abstract interpretations of conditions and operators over this set of approximations. For instance, the abstract interpretation of the operator Oaddf applied to two expressions a and b is F(Float.add f g) if a and b have static approximations Vfloat f and Vfloat g respectively, and Unknown otherwise.

The static approximations are defined by large pattern-matchings over the approximations of the results. We write these matchings in the indirect style described in file Cmconstr to avoid excessive duplication of cases in proofs.

Inductive eval_static_condition_cases: forall (cond: condition) (vl: list approx), Type :=
  | eval_static_condition_case1:
      forall c n1 n2,
      eval_static_condition_cases (Ccomp c) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_condition_case2:
      forall c n1 n2,
      eval_static_condition_cases (Ccompu c) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_condition_case3:
      forall c n n1,
      eval_static_condition_cases (Ccompimm c n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_condition_case4:
      forall c n n1,
      eval_static_condition_cases (Ccompuimm c n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_condition_case5:
      forall c n1 n2,
      eval_static_condition_cases (Ccompf c) (F n1 :: F n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_condition_case6:
      forall c n1 n2,
      eval_static_condition_cases (Cnotcompf c) (F n1 :: F n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_condition_case7:
      forall n n1,
      eval_static_condition_cases (Cmaskzero n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_condition_case8:
      forall n n1,
      eval_static_condition_cases (Cmasknotzero n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_condition_default:
      forall (cond: condition) (vl: list approx),
      eval_static_condition_cases cond vl.

Definition eval_static_condition_match (cond: condition) (vl: list approx) :=
  match cond as z1, vl as z2 return eval_static_condition_cases z1 z2 with
  | Ccomp c, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_condition_case1 c n1 n2
  | Ccompu c, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_condition_case2 c n1 n2
  | Ccompimm c n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_condition_case3 c n n1
  | Ccompuimm c n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_condition_case4 c n n1
  | Ccompf c, F n1 :: F n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_condition_case5 c n1 n2
  | Cnotcompf c, F n1 :: F n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_condition_case6 c n1 n2
  | Cmaskzero n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_condition_case7 n n1
  | Cmasknotzero n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_condition_case8 n n1
  | cond, vl =>
      eval_static_condition_default cond vl

Definition eval_static_condition (cond: condition) (vl: list approx) :=
  match eval_static_condition_match cond vl with
  | eval_static_condition_case1 c n1 n2 =>
      Some(Int.cmp c n1 n2)
  | eval_static_condition_case2 c n1 n2 =>
      Some(Int.cmpu c n1 n2)
  | eval_static_condition_case3 c n n1 =>
      Some(Int.cmp c n1 n)
  | eval_static_condition_case4 c n n1 =>
      Some(Int.cmpu c n1 n)
  | eval_static_condition_case5 c n1 n2 =>
      Some(Float.cmp c n1 n2)
  | eval_static_condition_case6 c n1 n2 =>
      Some(negb(Float.cmp c n1 n2))
  | eval_static_condition_case7 n n1 =>
      Some(Int.eq (Int.and n1 n)
  | eval_static_condition_case8 n n1 =>
      Some(negb(Int.eq (Int.and n1 n)
  | eval_static_condition_default cond vl =>

Inductive eval_static_operation_cases: forall (op: operation) (vl: list approx), Type :=
  | eval_static_operation_case1:
      forall v1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Omove) (v1::nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case2:
      forall n,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ointconst n) (nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case3:
      forall n,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ofloatconst n) (nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case4:
      forall s n,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oaddrsymbol s n) (nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case6:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ocast8signed) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case7:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ocast16signed) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case8:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oadd) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case9:
      forall s1 n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oadd) (S s1 n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case11:
      forall n n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oaddimm n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case12:
      forall n s1 n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oaddimm n) (S s1 n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case13:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Osub) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case14:
      forall s1 n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Osub) (S s1 n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case15:
      forall n n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Osubimm n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case16:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Omul) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case17:
      forall n n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Omulimm n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case18:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Odiv) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case19:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Odivu) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case20:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oand) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case21:
      forall n n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oandimm n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case22:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oor) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case23:
      forall n n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oorimm n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case24:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oxor) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case25:
      forall n n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oxorimm n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case26:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Onand) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case27:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Onor) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case28:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Onxor) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case29:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oshl) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case30:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oshr) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case31:
      forall n n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oshrimm n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case32:
      forall n n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oshrximm n) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case33:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oshru) (I n1 :: I n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case34:
      forall amount mask n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Orolm amount mask) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case35:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Onegf) (F n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case36:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oabsf) (F n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case37:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Oaddf) (F n1 :: F n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case38:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Osubf) (F n1 :: F n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case39:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Omulf) (F n1 :: F n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case40:
      forall n1 n2,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Odivf) (F n1 :: F n2 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case41:
      forall n1 n2 n3,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Omuladdf) (F n1 :: F n2 :: F n3 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case42:
      forall n1 n2 n3,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Omulsubf) (F n1 :: F n2 :: F n3 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case43:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Osingleoffloat) (F n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case44:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ointoffloat) (F n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case45:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ofloatofint) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case46:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ofloatofintu) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case47:
      forall c vl,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ocmp c) (vl)
  | eval_static_operation_case48:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ocast8unsigned) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case49:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ocast16unsigned) (I n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_case50:
      forall n1,
      eval_static_operation_cases (Ointuoffloat) (F n1 :: nil)
  | eval_static_operation_default:
      forall (op: operation) (vl: list approx),
      eval_static_operation_cases op vl.

Definition eval_static_operation_match (op: operation) (vl: list approx) :=
  match op as z1, vl as z2 return eval_static_operation_cases z1 z2 with
  | Omove, v1::nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case1 v1
  | Ointconst n, nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case2 n
  | Ofloatconst n, nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case3 n
  | Oaddrsymbol s n, nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case4 s n
  | Ocast8signed, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case6 n1
  | Ocast16signed, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case7 n1
  | Oadd, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case8 n1 n2
  | Oadd, S s1 n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case9 s1 n1 n2
  | Oaddimm n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case11 n n1
  | Oaddimm n, S s1 n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case12 n s1 n1
  | Osub, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case13 n1 n2
  | Osub, S s1 n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case14 s1 n1 n2
  | Osubimm n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case15 n n1
  | Omul, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case16 n1 n2
  | Omulimm n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case17 n n1
  | Odiv, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case18 n1 n2
  | Odivu, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case19 n1 n2
  | Oand, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case20 n1 n2
  | Oandimm n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case21 n n1
  | Oor, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case22 n1 n2
  | Oorimm n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case23 n n1
  | Oxor, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case24 n1 n2
  | Oxorimm n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case25 n n1
  | Onand, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case26 n1 n2
  | Onor, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case27 n1 n2
  | Onxor, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case28 n1 n2
  | Oshl, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case29 n1 n2
  | Oshr, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case30 n1 n2
  | Oshrimm n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case31 n n1
  | Oshrximm n, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case32 n n1
  | Oshru, I n1 :: I n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case33 n1 n2
  | Orolm amount mask, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case34 amount mask n1
  | Onegf, F n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case35 n1
  | Oabsf, F n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case36 n1
  | Oaddf, F n1 :: F n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case37 n1 n2
  | Osubf, F n1 :: F n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case38 n1 n2
  | Omulf, F n1 :: F n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case39 n1 n2
  | Odivf, F n1 :: F n2 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case40 n1 n2
  | Omuladdf, F n1 :: F n2 :: F n3 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case41 n1 n2 n3
  | Omulsubf, F n1 :: F n2 :: F n3 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case42 n1 n2 n3
  | Osingleoffloat, F n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case43 n1
  | Ointoffloat, F n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case44 n1
  | Ofloatofint, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case45 n1
  | Ofloatofintu, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case46 n1
  | Ocmp c, vl =>
      eval_static_operation_case47 c vl
  | Ocast8unsigned, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case48 n1
  | Ocast16unsigned, I n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case49 n1
  | Ointuoffloat, F n1 :: nil =>
      eval_static_operation_case50 n1
  | op, vl =>
      eval_static_operation_default op vl

Definition eval_static_operation (op: operation) (vl: list approx) :=
  match eval_static_operation_match op vl with
  | eval_static_operation_case1 v1 =>
  | eval_static_operation_case2 n =>
      I n
  | eval_static_operation_case3 n =>
      F n
  | eval_static_operation_case4 s n =>
      S s n
  | eval_static_operation_case6 n1 =>
      I(Int.sign_ext 8 n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case7 n1 =>
      I(Int.sign_ext 16 n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case8 n1 n2 =>
      I(Int.add n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case9 s1 n1 n2 =>
      S s1 (Int.add n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case11 n n1 =>
      I (Int.add n1 n)
  | eval_static_operation_case12 n s1 n1 =>
      S s1 (Int.add n1 n)
  | eval_static_operation_case13 n1 n2 =>
      I(Int.sub n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case14 s1 n1 n2 =>
      S s1 (Int.sub n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case15 n n1 =>
      I (Int.sub n n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case16 n1 n2 =>
      I(Int.mul n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case17 n n1 =>
      I(Int.mul n1 n)
  | eval_static_operation_case18 n1 n2 =>
      if Int.eq n2 then Unknown else I(Int.divs n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case19 n1 n2 =>
      if Int.eq n2 then Unknown else I(Int.divu n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case20 n1 n2 =>
      I(Int.and n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case21 n n1 =>
      I(Int.and n1 n)
  | eval_static_operation_case22 n1 n2 =>
      I(Int.or n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case23 n n1 =>
      I(Int.or n1 n)
  | eval_static_operation_case24 n1 n2 =>
      I(Int.xor n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case25 n n1 =>
      I(Int.xor n1 n)
  | eval_static_operation_case26 n1 n2 =>
      I(Int.xor (Int.and n1 n2) Int.mone)
  | eval_static_operation_case27 n1 n2 =>
      I(Int.xor (Int.or n1 n2) Int.mone)
  | eval_static_operation_case28 n1 n2 =>
      I(Int.xor (Int.xor n1 n2) Int.mone)
  | eval_static_operation_case29 n1 n2 =>
      if Int.ltu n2 Int.iwordsize then I(Int.shl n1 n2) else Unknown
  | eval_static_operation_case30 n1 n2 =>
      if Int.ltu n2 Int.iwordsize then I(Int.shr n1 n2) else Unknown
  | eval_static_operation_case31 n n1 =>
      if Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize then I(Int.shr n1 n) else Unknown
  | eval_static_operation_case32 n n1 =>
      if Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize then I(Int.shrx n1 n) else Unknown
  | eval_static_operation_case33 n1 n2 =>
      if Int.ltu n2 Int.iwordsize then I(Int.shru n1 n2) else Unknown
  | eval_static_operation_case34 amount mask n1 =>
      I(Int.rolm n1 amount mask)
  | eval_static_operation_case35 n1 =>
      F(Float.neg n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case36 n1 =>
      F(Float.abs n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case37 n1 n2 =>
      F(Float.add n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case38 n1 n2 =>
      F(Float.sub n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case39 n1 n2 =>
      F(Float.mul n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case40 n1 n2 =>
      F(Float.div n1 n2)
  | eval_static_operation_case41 n1 n2 n3 =>
      F(Float.add (Float.mul n1 n2) n3)
  | eval_static_operation_case42 n1 n2 n3 =>
      F(Float.sub (Float.mul n1 n2) n3)
  | eval_static_operation_case43 n1 =>
      F(Float.singleoffloat n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case44 n1 =>
      I(Float.intoffloat n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case45 n1 =>
      F(Float.floatofint n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case46 n1 =>
      F(Float.floatofintu n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case47 c vl =>
      match eval_static_condition c vl with
      | None => Unknown
      | Some b => I(if b then else
  | eval_static_operation_case48 n1 =>
      I(Int.zero_ext 8 n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case49 n1 =>
      I(Int.zero_ext 16 n1)
  | eval_static_operation_case50 n1 =>
      I(Float.intuoffloat n1)
  | eval_static_operation_default op vl =>

Operator strength reduction

We now define auxiliary functions for strength reduction of operators and addressing modes: replacing an operator with a cheaper one if some of its arguments are statically known. These are again large pattern-matchings expressed in indirect style.


Variable app: reg -> approx.

Definition intval (r: reg) : option int :=
  match app r with I n => Some n | _ => None end.

Inductive cond_strength_reduction_cases: condition -> list reg -> Type :=
  | csr_case1:
      forall c r1 r2,
      cond_strength_reduction_cases (Ccomp c) (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | csr_case2:
      forall c r1 r2,
      cond_strength_reduction_cases (Ccompu c) (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | csr_default:
      forall c rl,
      cond_strength_reduction_cases c rl.

Definition cond_strength_reduction_match (cond: condition) (rl: list reg) :=
  match cond as x, rl as y return cond_strength_reduction_cases x y with
  | Ccomp c, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      csr_case1 c r1 r2
  | Ccompu c, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      csr_case2 c r1 r2
  | cond, rl =>
      csr_default cond rl

Definition cond_strength_reduction
              (cond: condition) (args: list reg) : condition * list reg :=
  match cond_strength_reduction_match cond args with
  | csr_case1 c r1 r2 =>
      match intval r1, intval r2 with
      | Some n, _ =>
          (Ccompimm (swap_comparison c) n, r2 :: nil)
      | _, Some n =>
          (Ccompimm c n, r1 :: nil)
      | _, _ =>
          (cond, args)
  | csr_case2 c r1 r2 =>
      match intval r1, intval r2 with
      | Some n, _ =>
          (Ccompuimm (swap_comparison c) n, r2 :: nil)
      | _, Some n =>
          (Ccompuimm c n, r1 :: nil)
      | _, _ =>
          (cond, args)
  | csr_default cond args =>
      (cond, args)

Definition make_addimm (n: int) (r: reg) :=
  if Int.eq n
  then (Omove, r :: nil)
  else (Oaddimm n, r :: nil).

Definition make_shlimm (n: int) (r: reg) :=
  if Int.eq n
  then (Omove, r :: nil)
  else (Orolm n (Int.shl Int.mone n), r :: nil).

Definition make_shrimm (n: int) (r: reg) :=
  if Int.eq n
  then (Omove, r :: nil)
  else (Oshrimm n, r :: nil).

Definition make_shruimm (n: int) (r: reg) :=
  if Int.eq n
  then (Omove, r :: nil)
  else (Orolm (Int.sub Int.iwordsize n) (Int.shru Int.mone n), r :: nil).

Definition make_mulimm (n: int) (r: reg) :=
  if Int.eq n then
    (Ointconst, nil)
  else if Int.eq n then
    (Omove, r :: nil)
    match Int.is_power2 n with
    | Some l => make_shlimm l r
    | None => (Omulimm n, r :: nil)

Definition make_andimm (n: int) (r: reg) :=
  if Int.eq n
  then (Ointconst, nil)
  else if Int.eq n Int.mone then (Omove, r :: nil)
  else (Oandimm n, r :: nil).

Definition make_orimm (n: int) (r: reg) :=
  if Int.eq n then (Omove, r :: nil)
  else if Int.eq n Int.mone then (Ointconst Int.mone, nil)
  else (Oorimm n, r :: nil).

Definition make_xorimm (n: int) (r: reg) :=
  if Int.eq n
  then (Omove, r :: nil)
  else (Oxorimm n, r :: nil).

Inductive op_strength_reduction_cases: operation -> list reg -> Type :=
  | op_strength_reduction_case1:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Oadd (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case2:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Osub (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case3:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Omul (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case4:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Odiv (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case5:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Odivu (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case6:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Oand (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case7:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Oor (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case8:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Oxor (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case9:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Oshl (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case10:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Oshr (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case11:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases Oshru (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | op_strength_reduction_case12:
      forall (c: condition) (rl: list reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases (Ocmp c) rl
  | op_strength_reduction_default:
      forall (op: operation) (args: list reg),
      op_strength_reduction_cases op args.

Definition op_strength_reduction_match (op: operation) (args: list reg) :=
  match op as z1, args as z2 return op_strength_reduction_cases z1 z2 with
  | Oadd, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case1 r1 r2
  | Osub, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case2 r1 r2
  | Omul, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case3 r1 r2
  | Odiv, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case4 r1 r2
  | Odivu, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case5 r1 r2
  | Oand, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case6 r1 r2
  | Oor, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case7 r1 r2
  | Oxor, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case8 r1 r2
  | Oshl, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case9 r1 r2
  | Oshr, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case10 r1 r2
  | Oshru, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      op_strength_reduction_case11 r1 r2
  | Ocmp c, rl =>
      op_strength_reduction_case12 c rl
  | op, args =>
      op_strength_reduction_default op args

Definition op_strength_reduction (op: operation) (args: list reg) :=
  match op_strength_reduction_match op args with
  | op_strength_reduction_case1 r1 r2 =>       match intval r1, intval r2 with
      | Some n, _ => make_addimm n r2
      | _, Some n => make_addimm n r1
      | _, _ => (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case2 r1 r2 =>       match intval r1, intval r2 with
      | Some n, _ => (Osubimm n, r2 :: nil)
      | _, Some n => make_addimm (Int.neg n) r1
      | _, _ => (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case3 r1 r2 =>       match intval r1, intval r2 with
      | Some n, _ => make_mulimm n r2
      | _, Some n => make_mulimm n r1
      | _, _ => (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case4 r1 r2 =>       match intval r2 with
      | Some n =>
          match Int.is_power2 n with
          | Some l => (Oshrximm l, r1 :: nil)
          | None => (op, args)
      | None =>
          (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case5 r1 r2 =>       match intval r2 with
      | Some n =>
          match Int.is_power2 n with
          | Some l => make_shruimm l r1
          | None => (op, args)
      | None =>
          (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case6 r1 r2 =>       match intval r1, intval r2 with
      | Some n, _ => make_andimm n r2
      | _, Some n => make_andimm n r1
      | _, _ => (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case7 r1 r2 =>       match intval r1, intval r2 with
      | Some n, _ => make_orimm n r2
      | _, Some n => make_orimm n r1
      | _, _ => (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case8 r1 r2 =>       match intval r1, intval r2 with
      | Some n, _ => make_xorimm n r2
      | _, Some n => make_xorimm n r1
      | _, _ => (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case9 r1 r2 =>       match intval r2 with
      | Some n =>
          if Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize
          then make_shlimm n r1
          else (op, args)
      | _ => (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case10 r1 r2 =>       match intval r2 with
      | Some n =>
          if Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize
          then make_shrimm n r1
          else (op, args)
      | _ => (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case11 r1 r2 =>       match intval r2 with
      | Some n =>
          if Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize
          then make_shruimm n r1
          else (op, args)
      | _ => (op, args)
  | op_strength_reduction_case12 c args =>       let (c', args') := cond_strength_reduction c args in
      (Ocmp c', args')
  | op_strength_reduction_default op args =>       (op, args)

Inductive addr_strength_reduction_cases: forall (addr: addressing) (args: list reg), Type :=
  | addr_strength_reduction_case1:
      forall (r1: reg) (r2: reg),
      addr_strength_reduction_cases (Aindexed2) (r1 :: r2 :: nil)
  | addr_strength_reduction_case2:
      forall (symb: ident) (ofs: int) (r1: reg),
      addr_strength_reduction_cases (Abased symb ofs) (r1 :: nil)
  | addr_strength_reduction_case3:
      forall n r1,
      addr_strength_reduction_cases (Aindexed n) (r1 :: nil)
  | addr_strength_reduction_default:
      forall (addr: addressing) (args: list reg),
      addr_strength_reduction_cases addr args.

Definition addr_strength_reduction_match (addr: addressing) (args: list reg) :=
  match addr as z1, args as z2 return addr_strength_reduction_cases z1 z2 with
  | Aindexed2, r1 :: r2 :: nil =>
      addr_strength_reduction_case1 r1 r2
  | Abased symb ofs, r1 :: nil =>
      addr_strength_reduction_case2 symb ofs r1
  | Aindexed n, r1 :: nil =>
      addr_strength_reduction_case3 n r1
  | addr, args =>
      addr_strength_reduction_default addr args

Definition addr_strength_reduction (addr: addressing) (args: list reg) :=
  match addr_strength_reduction_match addr args with
  | addr_strength_reduction_case1 r1 r2 =>       match app r1, app r2 with
      | S symb n1, I n2 => (Aglobal symb (Int.add n1 n2), nil)
      | S symb n1, _ => (Abased symb n1, r2 :: nil)
      | I n1, S symb n2 => (Aglobal symb (Int.add n1 n2), nil)
      | I n1, _ => (Aindexed n1, r2 :: nil)
      | _, S symb n2 => (Abased symb n2, r1 :: nil)
      | _, I n2 => (Aindexed n2, r1 :: nil)
      | _, _ => (addr, args)
  | addr_strength_reduction_case2 symb ofs r1 =>       match intval r1 with
      | Some n => (Aglobal symb (Int.add ofs n), nil)
      | _ => (addr, args)
  | addr_strength_reduction_case3 n r1 =>       match app r1 with
      | S symb ofs => (Aglobal symb (Int.add ofs n), nil)
      | _ => (addr, args)
  | addr_strength_reduction_default addr args =>       (addr, args)