Library Stacking

Layout of activation records; translation from Linear to Mach.

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Errors.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Op.
Require Import RTL.
Require Import Locations.
Require Import Linear.
Require Import Bounds.
Require Import Mach.
Require Import Conventions.
Require Import Stacklayout.

Layout of activation records

The machine- and ABI-dependent aspects of the layout are defined in module Stacklayout.

Computation the frame offset for the given component of the frame. The component is expressed by the following frame_index sum type.

Inductive frame_index: Type :=
  | FI_link: frame_index
  | FI_retaddr: frame_index
  | FI_local: Z -> typ -> frame_index
  | FI_arg: Z -> typ -> frame_index
  | FI_saved_int: Z -> frame_index
  | FI_saved_float: Z -> frame_index.

Definition offset_of_index (fe: frame_env) (idx: frame_index) :=
  match idx with
  | FI_link => fe.(fe_ofs_link)
  | FI_retaddr => fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr)
  | FI_local x Tint => fe.(fe_ofs_int_local) + 4 * x
  | FI_local x Tfloat => fe.(fe_ofs_float_local) + 8 * x
  | FI_arg x ty => fe_ofs_arg + 4 * x
  | FI_saved_int x => fe.(fe_ofs_int_callee_save) + 4 * x
  | FI_saved_float x => fe.(fe_ofs_float_callee_save) + 8 * x

Saving and restoring callee-save registers

save_callee_save fe k adds before k the instructions that store in the frame the values of callee-save registers used by the current function.

Definition save_callee_save_reg
    (bound: frame_env -> Z) (number: mreg -> Z) (mkindex: Z -> frame_index)
    (ty: typ) (fe: frame_env) (cs: mreg) (k: Mach.code) :=
  let i := number cs in
  if zlt i (bound fe)
  then Msetstack cs (Int.repr (offset_of_index fe (mkindex i))) ty :: k
  else k.

Definition save_callee_save_regs
    (bound: frame_env -> Z) (number: mreg -> Z) (mkindex: Z -> frame_index)
    (ty: typ) (fe: frame_env) (csl: list mreg) (k: Mach.code) :=
  List.fold_right (save_callee_save_reg bound number mkindex ty fe) k csl.

Definition save_callee_save_int (fe: frame_env) :=
    fe_num_int_callee_save index_int_callee_save FI_saved_int
    Tint fe int_callee_save_regs.

Definition save_callee_save_float (fe: frame_env) :=
    fe_num_float_callee_save index_float_callee_save FI_saved_float
    Tfloat fe float_callee_save_regs.

Definition save_callee_save (fe: frame_env) (k: Mach.code) :=
  save_callee_save_int fe (save_callee_save_float fe k).

restore_callee_save fe k adds before k the instructions that re-load from the frame the values of callee-save registers used by the current function, restoring these registers to their initial values.

Definition restore_callee_save_reg
    (bound: frame_env -> Z) (number: mreg -> Z) (mkindex: Z -> frame_index)
    (ty: typ) (fe: frame_env) (cs: mreg) (k: Mach.code) :=
  let i := number cs in
  if zlt i (bound fe)
  then Mgetstack (Int.repr (offset_of_index fe (mkindex i))) ty cs :: k
  else k.

Definition restore_callee_save_regs
    (bound: frame_env -> Z) (number: mreg -> Z) (mkindex: Z -> frame_index)
    (ty: typ) (fe: frame_env) (csl: list mreg) (k: Mach.code) :=
  List.fold_right (restore_callee_save_reg bound number mkindex ty fe) k csl.

Definition restore_callee_save_int (fe: frame_env) :=
    fe_num_int_callee_save index_int_callee_save FI_saved_int
    Tint fe int_callee_save_regs.

Definition restore_callee_save_float (fe: frame_env) :=
    fe_num_float_callee_save index_float_callee_save FI_saved_float
    Tfloat fe float_callee_save_regs.

Definition restore_callee_save (fe: frame_env) (k: Mach.code) :=
  restore_callee_save_int fe (restore_callee_save_float fe k).

Code transformation.

Translation of operations and addressing mode. In Linear, the stack pointer has offset 0, i.e. points to the beginning of the Cminor stack data block. In Mach, the stack pointer points to the bottom of the activation record, at offset - fe.(fe_size) where fe is the frame environment. Operations and addressing mode that are relative to the stack pointer must therefore be offset by fe.(fe_size) to preserve their behaviour.

Definition transl_op (fe: frame_env) (op: operation) :=
  match op with
  | Oaddrstack ofs => Oaddrstack (Int.add (Int.repr fe.(fe_size)) ofs)
  | _ => op

Definition transl_addr (fe: frame_env) (addr: addressing) :=
  match addr with
  | Ainstack ofs => Ainstack (Int.add (Int.repr fe.(fe_size)) ofs)
  | _ => addr

Translation of a Linear instruction. Prepends the corresponding Mach instructions to the given list of instructions. Lgetstack and Lsetstack moves between registers and stack slots are turned into Mgetstack, Mgetparent or Msetstack instructions at offsets determined by the frame environment. Instructions and addressing modes are modified as described previously. Code to restore the values of callee-save registers is inserted before the function returns.

Definition transl_instr
    (fe: frame_env) (i: Linear.instruction) (k: Mach.code) : Mach.code :=
  match i with
  | Lgetstack s r =>
      match s with
      | Local ofs ty =>
          Mgetstack (Int.repr (offset_of_index fe (FI_local ofs ty))) ty r :: k
      | Incoming ofs ty =>
          Mgetparam (Int.repr (offset_of_index fe (FI_arg ofs ty))) ty r :: k
      | Outgoing ofs ty =>
          Mgetstack (Int.repr (offset_of_index fe (FI_arg ofs ty))) ty r :: k
  | Lsetstack r s =>
      match s with
      | Local ofs ty =>
          Msetstack r (Int.repr (offset_of_index fe (FI_local ofs ty))) ty :: k
      | Incoming ofs ty =>
          k       | Outgoing ofs ty =>
          Msetstack r (Int.repr (offset_of_index fe (FI_arg ofs ty))) ty :: k
  | Lop op args res =>
      Mop (transl_op fe op) args res :: k
  | Lload chunk addr args dst =>
      Mload chunk (transl_addr fe addr) args dst :: k
  | Lstore chunk addr args src =>
      Mstore chunk (transl_addr fe addr) args src :: k
  | Lcall sig ros =>
      Mcall sig ros :: k
  | Ltailcall sig ros =>
      restore_callee_save fe
        (Mtailcall sig ros :: k)
  | Llabel lbl =>
      Mlabel lbl :: k
  | Lgoto lbl =>
      Mgoto lbl :: k
  | Lcond cond args lbl =>
      Mcond cond args lbl :: k
  | Ljumptable arg tbl =>
      Mjumptable arg tbl :: k
  | Lreturn =>
      restore_callee_save fe
        (Mreturn :: k)

Translation of a function. Code that saves the values of used callee-save registers is inserted at function entry, followed by the translation of the function body.

Subtle point: the compiler must check that the frame is no larger than - Int.min_signed bytes, otherwise arithmetic overflows could occur during frame accesses using signed machine integers as offsets.

Definition transl_code
    (fe: frame_env) (il: list Linear.instruction) : Mach.code :=
  List.fold_right (transl_instr fe) nil il.

Definition transl_body (f: Linear.function) (fe: frame_env) :=
  save_callee_save fe (transl_code fe f.(Linear.fn_code)).

Open Local Scope string_scope.

Definition transf_function (f: Linear.function) : res Mach.function :=
  let fe := make_env (function_bounds f) in
  if zlt f.(Linear.fn_stacksize) 0 then
    Error (msg "Stacking.transf_function")
  else if zlt (- Int.min_signed) fe.(fe_size) then
    Error (msg "Too many spilled variables, stack size exceeded")
    OK (Mach.mkfunction
         (transl_body f fe)
         (Int.repr fe.(fe_ofs_link))
         (Int.repr fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr))).

Definition transf_fundef (f: Linear.fundef) : res Mach.fundef :=
  AST.transf_partial_fundef transf_function f.

Definition transf_program (p: Linear.program) : res Mach.program :=
  transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.