Module SimplLocals

Pulling local scalar variables whose address is not taken into temporary variables.

Require Import FSets.
Require FSetAVL.
Require Import Coqlib Ordered Errors.
Require Import AST Linking.
Require Import Ctypes Cop Clight.
Require Compopts Conventions1.

Open Scope error_monad_scope.
Open Scope string_scope.
Open Scope list_scope.

Module VSet := FSetAVL.Make(OrderedPositive).

The set of local variables that can be lifted to temporaries, because they are scalar and their address is not taken.

Definition compilenv := VSet.t.

Definition is_liftable_var (cenv: compilenv) (a: expr) : option ident :=
  match a with
  | Evar id ty => if VSet.mem id cenv then Some id else None
  | _ => None

Smart constructor for casts

Definition make_cast (a: expr) (tto: type) : expr :=
  match classify_cast (typeof a) tto with
  | cast_case_pointer => a
  | cast_case_i2i I32 _ => a
  | cast_case_f2f => a
  | cast_case_s2s => a
  | cast_case_l2l => a
  | cast_case_struct _ _ => a
  | cast_case_union _ _ => a
  | cast_case_void => a
  | _ => Ecast a tto

Insertion of debug annotations

Definition Sdebug_temp (id: ident) (ty: type) :=
  Sbuiltin None (EF_debug 2%positive id (typ_of_type ty :: nil))
                (typeconv ty :: nil)
                (Etempvar id ty :: nil).

Definition Sdebug_var (id: ident) (ty: type) :=
  Sbuiltin None (EF_debug 5%positive id (AST.Tptr :: nil))
                (Tpointer ty noattr :: nil)
                (Eaddrof (Evar id ty) (Tpointer ty noattr) :: nil).

Definition Sset_debug (id: ident) (ty: type) (a: expr) :=
  if Compopts.debug tt
  then Ssequence (Sset id (make_cast a ty)) (Sdebug_temp id ty)
  else Sset id (make_cast a ty).

Rewriting of expressions and statements.

Fixpoint simpl_expr (cenv: compilenv) (a: expr) : expr :=
  match a with
  | Econst_int _ _ => a
  | Econst_float _ _ => a
  | Econst_single _ _ => a
  | Econst_long _ _ => a
  | Evar id ty => if VSet.mem id cenv then Etempvar id ty else Evar id ty
  | Etempvar id ty => Etempvar id ty
  | Ederef a1 ty => Ederef (simpl_expr cenv a1) ty
  | Eaddrof a1 ty => Eaddrof (simpl_expr cenv a1) ty
  | Eunop op a1 ty => Eunop op (simpl_expr cenv a1) ty
  | Ebinop op a1 a2 ty => Ebinop op (simpl_expr cenv a1) (simpl_expr cenv a2) ty
  | Ecast a1 ty => Ecast (simpl_expr cenv a1) ty
  | Efield a1 fld ty => Efield (simpl_expr cenv a1) fld ty
  | Esizeof _ _ => a
  | Ealignof _ _ => a

Definition simpl_exprlist (cenv: compilenv) (al: list expr) : list expr := (simpl_expr cenv) al.

Definition check_temp (cenv: compilenv) (id: ident) : res unit :=
  if VSet.mem id cenv
  then Error (MSG "bad temporary " :: CTX id :: nil)
  else OK tt.

Definition check_opttemp (cenv: compilenv) (optid: option ident) : res unit :=
  match optid with
  | Some id => check_temp cenv id
  | None => OK tt

Fixpoint simpl_stmt (cenv: compilenv) (s: statement) : res statement :=
  match s with
  | Sskip => OK Sskip
  | Sassign a1 a2 =>
      match is_liftable_var cenv a1 with
      | Some id =>
          OK (Sset_debug id (typeof a1) (simpl_expr cenv a2))
      | None =>
          OK (Sassign (simpl_expr cenv a1) (simpl_expr cenv a2))
  | Sset id a =>
      do x <- check_temp cenv id;
      OK (Sset id (simpl_expr cenv a))
  | Scall optid a al =>
      do x <- check_opttemp cenv optid;
      OK (Scall optid (simpl_expr cenv a) (simpl_exprlist cenv al))
  | Sbuiltin optid ef tyargs al =>
      do x <- check_opttemp cenv optid;
      OK (Sbuiltin optid ef tyargs (simpl_exprlist cenv al))
  | Ssequence s1 s2 =>
      do s1' <- simpl_stmt cenv s1;
      do s2' <- simpl_stmt cenv s2;
      OK (Ssequence s1' s2')
  | Sifthenelse a s1 s2 =>
      do s1' <- simpl_stmt cenv s1;
      do s2' <- simpl_stmt cenv s2;
      OK (Sifthenelse (simpl_expr cenv a) s1' s2')
  | Sloop s1 s2 =>
      do s1' <- simpl_stmt cenv s1;
      do s2' <- simpl_stmt cenv s2;
      OK (Sloop s1' s2')
  | Sbreak => OK Sbreak
  | Scontinue => OK Scontinue
  | Sreturn opta => OK (Sreturn (option_map (simpl_expr cenv) opta))
  | Sswitch a ls =>
      do ls' <- simpl_lblstmt cenv ls;
      OK (Sswitch (simpl_expr cenv a) ls')
  | Slabel lbl s =>
      do s' <- simpl_stmt cenv s;
      OK (Slabel lbl s')
  | Sgoto lbl => OK (Sgoto lbl)

with simpl_lblstmt (cenv: compilenv) (ls: labeled_statements) : res labeled_statements :=
  match ls with
  | LSnil =>
      OK LSnil
  | LScons c s ls1 =>
      do s' <- simpl_stmt cenv s;
      do ls1' <- simpl_lblstmt cenv ls1;
      OK (LScons c s' ls1')

Function parameters that are not lifted to temporaries must be stored in the corresponding local variable at function entry. The other function parameters may need to be normalized to their types, to support interoperability with code generated by other C compilers.

Fixpoint store_params (cenv: compilenv) (params: list (ident * type))
                      (s: statement): statement :=
  match params with
  | nil => s
  | (id, ty) :: params' =>
      if VSet.mem id cenv then
        if Conventions1.parameter_needs_normalization (argtype_of_type ty)
        then Ssequence (Sset id (make_cast (Etempvar id ty) ty))
                       (store_params cenv params' s)
        else store_params cenv params' s
      else Ssequence (Sassign (Evar id ty) (Etempvar id ty))
                     (store_params cenv params' s)

Compute the set of variables whose address is taken

Fixpoint addr_taken_expr (a: expr): VSet.t :=
  match a with
  | Econst_int _ _ => VSet.empty
  | Econst_float _ _ => VSet.empty
  | Econst_single _ _ => VSet.empty
  | Econst_long _ _ => VSet.empty
  | Evar id ty => VSet.empty
  | Etempvar id ty => VSet.empty
  | Ederef a1 ty => addr_taken_expr a1
  | Eaddrof (Evar id ty1) ty => VSet.singleton id
  | Eaddrof a1 ty => addr_taken_expr a1
  | Eunop op a1 ty => addr_taken_expr a1
  | Ebinop op a1 a2 ty => VSet.union (addr_taken_expr a1) (addr_taken_expr a2)
  | Ecast a1 ty => addr_taken_expr a1
  | Efield a1 fld ty => addr_taken_expr a1
  | Esizeof _ _ => VSet.empty
  | Ealignof _ _ => VSet.empty

Fixpoint addr_taken_exprlist (l: list expr) : VSet.t :=
  match l with
  | nil => VSet.empty
  | a :: l' => VSet.union (addr_taken_expr a) (addr_taken_exprlist l')

Fixpoint addr_taken_stmt (s: statement) : VSet.t :=
  match s with
  | Sskip => VSet.empty
  | Sassign a b => VSet.union (addr_taken_expr a) (addr_taken_expr b)
  | Sset id a => addr_taken_expr a
  | Scall optid a bl => VSet.union (addr_taken_expr a) (addr_taken_exprlist bl)
  | Sbuiltin optid ef tyargs bl => addr_taken_exprlist bl
  | Ssequence s1 s2 => VSet.union (addr_taken_stmt s1) (addr_taken_stmt s2)
  | Sifthenelse a s1 s2 =>
      VSet.union (addr_taken_expr a) (VSet.union (addr_taken_stmt s1) (addr_taken_stmt s2))
  | Sloop s1 s2 => VSet.union (addr_taken_stmt s1) (addr_taken_stmt s2)
  | Sbreak => VSet.empty
  | Scontinue => VSet.empty
  | Sreturn None => VSet.empty
  | Sreturn (Some a) => addr_taken_expr a
  | Sswitch a ls => VSet.union (addr_taken_expr a) (addr_taken_lblstmt ls)
  | Slabel lbl s => addr_taken_stmt s
  | Sgoto lbl => VSet.empty

with addr_taken_lblstmt (ls: labeled_statements) : VSet.t :=
  match ls with
  | LSnil => VSet.empty
  | LScons c s ls' => VSet.union (addr_taken_stmt s) (addr_taken_lblstmt ls')

The compilation environment for a function is the set of local variables that are scalars and whose addresses are not taken.

Definition add_local_variable (atk: VSet.t) (id_ty: ident * type)
                              (cenv: compilenv) : compilenv :=
  let (id, ty) := id_ty in
  match access_mode ty with
  | By_value chunk => if VSet.mem id atk then cenv else VSet.add id cenv
  | _ => cenv

Definition cenv_for (f: function) : compilenv :=
  let atk := addr_taken_stmt f.(fn_body) in
  List.fold_right (add_local_variable atk) VSet.empty (f.(fn_params) ++ f.(fn_vars)).

Transform a function

Definition add_debug_var (id_ty: ident * type) (s: statement) :=
  let (id, ty) := id_ty in Ssequence (Sdebug_var id ty) s.

Definition add_debug_vars (vars: list (ident * type)) (s: statement) :=
  if Compopts.debug tt
  then List.fold_right add_debug_var s vars
  else s.

Definition add_debug_param (id_ty: ident * type) (s: statement) :=
  let (id, ty) := id_ty in Ssequence (Sdebug_temp id ty) s.

Definition add_debug_params (params: list (ident * type)) (s: statement) :=
  if Compopts.debug tt
  then List.fold_right add_debug_param s params
  else s.

Definition remove_lifted (cenv: compilenv) (vars: list (ident * type)) :=
  List.filter (fun id_ty => negb (VSet.mem (fst id_ty) cenv)) vars.

Definition add_lifted (cenv: compilenv) (vars1 vars2: list (ident * type)) :=
  List.filter (fun id_ty => VSet.mem (fst id_ty) cenv) vars1 ++ vars2.

Definition transf_function (f: function) : res function :=
  let cenv := cenv_for f in
  assertion (list_disjoint_dec ident_eq (var_names f.(fn_params)) (var_names f.(fn_temps)));
  do body' <- simpl_stmt cenv f.(fn_body);
  let vars' := remove_lifted cenv (f.(fn_params) ++ f.(fn_vars)) in
  let temps' := add_lifted cenv f.(fn_vars) f.(fn_temps) in
  OK {| fn_return := f.(fn_return);
        fn_callconv := f.(fn_callconv);
        fn_params := f.(fn_params);
        fn_vars := vars';
        fn_temps := temps';
        fn_body := add_debug_params f.(fn_params)
                      (store_params cenv f.(fn_params)
                        (add_debug_vars vars' body')) |}.

Whole-program transformation

Definition transf_fundef (fd: fundef) : res fundef :=
  match fd with
  | Internal f => do tf <- transf_function f; OK (Internal tf)
  | External ef targs tres cconv => OK (External ef targs tres cconv)

Definition transf_program (p: program) : res program :=
  do p1 <- AST.transform_partial_program transf_fundef p;
  OK {| prog_defs := AST.prog_defs p1;
        prog_public := AST.prog_public p1;
        prog_main := AST.prog_main p1;
        prog_types := prog_types p;
        prog_comp_env := prog_comp_env p;
        prog_comp_env_eq := prog_comp_env_eq p |}.